[plug] Linux and employment

David Griffiths griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
Tue Jul 4 16:23:54 WST 2000

>Hi All

>1) Does anyone know a company in WA that offers Linux certification by
>exam only?
The next red hat exam is in Sept I believe. You can sit the exam without
doing the course if you want. I think they will be charging  > $900 with GST -
not cheap.

>2) How transferable is Linux certification and skills into other Unix
>(Solaris?) skills in practicality and in the minds of employers?
not enough experience with Solaris to comment here.

>3) How much in demand are Linux skills?  I have yet to see a job in the
>paper requiring them at a high level.
A large part of the value of learning any flavour of u*ix well is for the
networking skills. Maybe I'm being biased here but I would say that most
unix admins have better networking skills than NT only admins.

>4) What skills in particular are going to make you attractive to
>employers?  I am thinking along the lines of Sendmail, Apache, Perl etc.
All the above would be valuable in our dept. Samba is another common one.

>5) Is there a better way to get into the Linux arena in WA without
>getting these skills/certificates?
Friends in the business ;-)




  David Griffiths                             griffith at environ.wa.gov.au

  Air Quality Management Branch
  Department of Environmental Protection          Phone:   61 8 9222 7151

  Westralia Square                                Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
  141 St Georges Tce
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia

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