[plug] ADSL rollout from Telstra

SweenyTod sweenytod at sweenytod.com
Tue Jul 18 11:47:20 WST 2000

At 11:27 AM 18/07/2000, you wrote:
>Don't hold your breath Telstra, wont support Linux, you can find out about
>ADSl on Telstra's home Page and see if you are in the exchange area program.
>Prices $$$$$$$$ I've heard $140 per month 1.5mb D/L 256 k U/L - limited to
>500mb per month them mega bucks per meg after that.

I read on cnet that they're probably going to have two pricing plans.  A 
home consumer one for $70 per month, which is most likely volume 
charged.  And a higher one for the $140 you mentioned, which is aimed at 
businesses.  I'd say the second one won't be volume charged.  At least I 
hope it won't.  Mind you, for the $70 difference, you can probably get the 
cheaper deal, pay any extra bandwidth charges and still come out better off.

I wonder how many hours of Quake and Unreal Tournament online it would take 
to make that.

>  I've also heard that Primus is going to offer the same for around $70.00
>per Month but can't confirm. And Yes Telstra ends at the Victorian Border
>(The Insider). We'll probably have to wait 12 months to get descent
>broadband in WA at prices we can afford.

They're deploying Bunbury, and in my area (9344 xxxx numbers), so I'm 
hoping I'll get lucky with this.  Mind you, everybody needs to be within 
3.5 klms of a digital exchange, so I'm a bit doubtful of Telstra's claim of 
90% of Australia having access eventually.  I don't want to have to wait 
till the end of 2002 to get this!


Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.    His skin was pale and his eye was odd.
Always trust an Australian with a razor.

http://www.sweenytod.com               Paranoid is normal, normal is good

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