[plug] excuting from a mounted cd / cheap 100MB enet cards

David Griffiths griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
Wed Jun 7 17:14:04 WST 2000

What's the trick to run executables from a mounted cd?
All the exe permissions are on, including parent dir, user, group and world
running as root eg

  cd /mnt/cdrom/x/y/z


  bash: ./an_exe: Permission denied

Have had a quick look at pam config, can't see anything obvious that might be
holding it up.


Can anyone recommend a cheap (for home use) 100MB ethernet card
for use under linux available in Perth (or have a couple of second
hand spares for sale)?

Operation with bootnet.img kickstart installs would be a nice bonus

Thanks in advance,



  David Griffiths                             griffith at environ.wa.gov.au

  Air Quality Management Branch
  Department of Environmental Protection          Phone:   61 8 9222 7151

  Westralia Square                                Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
  141 St Georges Tce
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia

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