[plug] Which RPM?

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Fri Jun 9 15:14:40 WST 2000

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Earnshaw, Mike wrote:

> Trying to find which RPM contains a file. Normally I would use:
> rpm -qf <looking for> i.e. /bin/pwd

Thats only useful if the package is already installed, and the file

> I am trying to find the rpm that contains the "patch" command but I


> can't seem to get it to work as I don't know where patch would live. I
> have tried /bin/patch and /sbin/patch
> Any clues please? Thanks

Well, in this case, it was kind of obvious, but I too would be interested
in the easiest way of searching uninstalled RPM packages.

Mike Holland  <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>

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