[plug] re: can see Samba server

Matt Kemner zombie at wasp.net.au
Sun Jun 11 17:18:34 WST 2000

> I was told it's because (and he has a point) the dialup is on a differnet
> network (eg not the same local lan) due to protocols being used.  IP on the
> local and PPP on the dialup.

But you're encapsulating IP over the PPP link.
And that's what proxyarp is there for.

>  So I guess I'll need to set-up a route between
> the .2 and .1 network.

I doubt it will make much difference, because the fact that the linux box
that holds the modem is used as a default gateway by the remote win98se
machine, as well as every machine on the local network, means the two
networks should be able to reach each other already (providing the linux
box can reach both networks)
As I said before, the way you have it currently set up, is perfectly
valid, but if you want SMB to work (which is what your original question
was about) you may need to change the IP of the dialed-up windoze box to a
local one.

Then again you may find even after changing the IP it still doesn't work -
I don't know all the intricasies of the SMB protocol, nor do I have any
desire to do so, but it is still the first thing I'd suggest, because of
the reliance on broadcast packets that is inherent in the SMB protocol.

 - Matt

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