[plug] [OT] Openmail on linux vs MS Exchange

David Griffiths griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
Wed Jun 21 17:34:20 WST 2000

> I would also be
>interested in hearing from anyone who has this up and running.  Additionally I
>wouldn't object to the idea of possibly getting together with a few other
>people who want to try it out and maybe between us all we can figure it out.
I would be interested in this but would probably be restricted to evenings
unfortunately. Seems like it might be a good product but without much of a
user (and support?) base in Perth.

>As for the "preferably" on linux, I'd suggest only on Linux... if you had to
>run NT you might as well stick with Exchange.  The whole reason I am
>in OpenMail is to avoid setting up an NT server.
agreed. I was more interested in experience on other flavours of unix such
as Solaris,
 or HP/UX here.




  David Griffiths                             griffith at environ.wa.gov.au

  Air Quality Management Branch
  Department of Environmental Protection          Phone:   61 8 9222 7151

  Westralia Square                                Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
  141 St Georges Tce
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia

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