[plug] Setting the clock

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Fri Jun 30 10:05:09 WST 2000

Oliver White wrote:
> Leon Brooks wrote:
> Didn't do anything noticable. :/
> Tried 'apt-get install ntpdate', and had to edit the configuration file, then
> got:
> narf:~# ntpdate
> 30 Jun 02:31:35 ntpdate[764]: no servers can be used, exiting
> --
> Oliver White

Are you using slink or potato?
The reason I ask is I never got ntpdate to work with slink.. it always gave me
the above message, but it works on potato, last I tried anyway.
I even downloaded the ntp source .tgz and compiled from scratch, it just would
not go. Some stupid mistake on my part I'm sure, but there ya have it..

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