[plug] flaming on the mailing list]]

Peter Crystal darke at indigo.net.au
Sat Mar 18 21:52:49 WST 2000

On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:13:11AM +0800, skribe wrote:
> Children, take this thread to private email.

that'd mean the actual content of the list might have to be raised,
otherwise one might see this as a list with no traffic.

Noise has its place :) keeps Kibo well fed.

Peter 'darkewolf' Crystal
email   : darke at debian.org || darke at indigo.net.au || darkewolf at cyberpunks.org
url     : http://cyberpunks.org/darke/homepage.phtml
url     : http://walledcity.sourceforge.net/
gpg key : http://cyberpunks.org/keys/darke_gpg.asc 

Programming , Webdesign, AI theory, Paranoia, System Administration, 
Network Design, Problem Solutions, Systems Engineer

  A disciple of another sect once came  to Drescher as he was eating his
morning meal. "I would like to give you this personality test", said the
outsider, "because I want you to be happy." Drescher took the paper that
was offered him and put it into the toaster, saying: "I wish the toaster
to be happy, too."

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