[plug] <NEWBIE> KDE

Matt Kemner zombie at wasp.net.au
Wed May 3 09:55:13 WST 2000

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Scott, Simon wrote:

> 2) Change the group ownership on the /dev/??? device file to allow read and
> execute for the group, and nada for others, and then add those users you
> want to be able to access the cdrom to the group in /etc/group.... I dont
> think you can mount a device without having execute privs on the device
> file..

I don't think that will work, because mount is suid-root, so will access
the device as root.  A better solution would be to change the group
on /bin/mount to a group that contains only those people that need access
to mount, and then change the permissions on /bin/mount to 4750

 - Matt

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