[plug] Meeting 9/5

Earnshaw, Mike earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Tue May 9 13:45:05 WST 2000

I attend university on Mon-Wed nights most weeks so can not make plug
meetings. I don't know enough to be a contributor so just lurk and ask
questions (which get answered -ty ), tonight's topic sounds great, but I
will miss it due to uni. Does anyone take "minutes" or something similar?

I know this may sound like a constant drain on the resources available, it
is not intended as such, I have no reservations paying a subscription fee as
indicate in a post on one message received in the last few hours.

Mike Earnshaw       | "It don't mean a thing if     | e-mail in header
Computer Systems    | you cain't get that Ping...." | Tel: +61 8 9256 1099
  Support           |    Duke Ellington, 1932       | Fax: +61 8 9256 1199
Union Switch & Signal, 24 Bannick Court, Canning Vale, WA 6155, Australia

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