[plug] Netscape - bus error

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Tue May 9 15:46:35 WST 2000

> Just to indicate one really frustrating thing. At some point in time my laptop
> running RH5.2 with Netscape 4.x started crashing quite a bit. I finally
> noticed it was crashing when using the password entry box (for work/uni
> related purposes I access many password required sites). It isn't consistent
> eg: may happen the first time a box pops up, or perhaps after 3 or 4! The
> problem has carried through even though I upgraded Netscape. The problem
> doesn't exist on my other systems even though they run the same version of
> netscape

I had this only when I upgraded from GlibC 2 to GlibC 2.1.
This is a known problem with netscape of any version 4.x.

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