[plug] Netscape - bus error

adrian_blockley at dingoblue.net.au adrian_blockley at dingoblue.net.au
Tue May 9 11:44:21 WST 2000

Yes - had the same problem for a while.  Still using netscape communicator
4.7 under Linux.  As I remember I got the problem if I went straight to
the online banking page.  The problem went away if I went to BankWest's
web page and followed the link to online banking.

Good luck


On Tue, 9 May 2000, Mark Saxon wrote:

> Havn't seen this come up as a netscape issue in the past. Although I gather Java
> and netscape for linux are a little unreliable. Or is that just java?
> I'm using netscape communicator 4.7 to access Bankwests on line banking site.
> Been working fine up till now.
> Will now cause netscape to exit with 'Bus error' message Java on or
> off.
> Any one else expierienced this? Is there another java capable browser for linux
> I could try?

Adrian and Yanhui Blockley	 
adrian_blockley at dingoblue.net.au
Ph 03 9571 4823 

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