[plug] My Life as Greg Mildenhall

Peter Wright pete at cygnus.uwa.edu.au
Fri May 12 11:33:25 WST 2000

On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 08:14:11AM +0800, Christian wrote:
> Visiting www.linuxtoday.com today I got a surprise when it told me
> that I was logged on as "Greg Mildenhall"!
[ ... ]

_See_ the live-action mailing list drama: "Being Greg Mildenhall"

Nominated for at least four and a half Golden Rasperries, including
"Shortest and Silliest" and "Where's that delete key again?"

> sort so I don't really see how it could have happened.  Anyone got
> any ideas?  (BTW, Greg, aren't you supposed to be writing up your
> Honours thesis at the moment, not browsing LinuxToday...? *grin*)

I've had that happen a couple of times on cygnus (not being Greg
though (thankfully :)). I presumed it was just the proxy cache handing
out its last copy of the page in question... but it does seem a bit
odd now I think about it a bit. Which is to say, not much as I should
really be working.

Hmmm, think I need a coffee. :)


INSPECTOR END OF FILM: Move along.  There's nothing to see!  Keep moving!
   [Suddenly he notices the cameras.]
INSPECTOR END OF FILM: (to Camera) All right, put that away sonny.
   [He walks over to it and puts his hand over the lens.]
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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