[plug] Optus at Home is secure... joking, of course

Scott, Simon Simon.Scott at SEALCORP.com.au
Wed May 31 09:22:26 WST 2000

Errr, I guess I was coming from a different viewpoint...

NOTHING is secure... anyone who says they have a 'bulletproof' firewall or
'totally secure' something-or-other is full of it. Even if you audit the
source for all services, you still might miss something....All you can hope
to achieve is increased security, to ward off script-kiddies.

"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an
eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was
> ------------------------------------------------------
>  Simon Scott
>  DBA
>  Sealcorp Holdings Limited
>  Perth, WA
>  e-mail:  simon.scott at sealcorp.com.au
>  phone:  08 9265 5648
> ------------------------------------------------------

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliver White [mailto:ojw at iinet.net.au]
> Sent: Wednesday, 31 May 2000 12:59
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] Optus at Home is secure... joking, of course
> Mike Holland wrote:
> > Well you could say that about Linux. OK, linux doesnt make 
> it so easy,
> > but what about Gnome/KDE ? If they dont let you double click a perl
> > attachment now, I bet something soon will.
> Interesting POV, but I think there's definitely room to learn 
> from Microsoft's
> mistakes. For instance, Gnumeric allows perl and python 
> scripting, but the scripts
> have to be manually loaded before they'll run. This will 
> remain the case until a
> way can be proven to allow safe auto-loading of scripts (says 
> the team).
> --
> Oliver White

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