[plug] Backspace not working after upgrade

Oliver White ojw at iinet.net.au
Fri Nov 24 16:05:24 WST 2000

Hmm. That works, running from the console, but how would I get X to do it

I've got 'gnome-session' in my .xinitrc, and if I add any other lines, X
just crashes.

Oliver White

Matt Kemner wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Oliver White wrote:
> > I just installed qt2.2, to have a bit of a play with it. It seems apt
> > grabbed and installed xfree4.0.1. Suddenly my backspace only deletes
> > characters ahead of the cursor. Anyone familiar with this problem?
> create a file called ~/.Xmodmap containing:
> keycode   22 = BackSpace
> keycode  107 = Delete
> and check your X startup scripts to make sure the command
> xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
> is being run from them.
> You can also run it from within any xterm/rxvt/[...] so you don't need to
> restart X to make the change take effect.
>  - Matt

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