[plug] Script not working
navarre at plug.linux.org.au
navarre at plug.linux.org.au
Mon Sep 4 23:21:46 WST 2000
Hello Colin
Thank you, I had missed the spelling mistake, fix it and the script
Is there a general rule in Linux/unix to not report errors like the one I
created or is it normal to die silent and do nothing?
Inspired by this new found knowledge (<tongue-in-cheek>spelling is
important </tic>) I took a look at what was ailing the automatic
conversation via the printcap filters. What I found was that in my reuse
of the supplied sample I had not commented out the one line that ran gs.
So the old line that converted for 9pin epson was sending its data to a
PCL printer and the output was not pretty. Having commented out the
effending line all is well.
Thanks again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 9/4/00, 5:56:06 AM, Colin Rothnie <colinr at tiwest.com.au> wrote regarding
RE: [plug] Script not working:
> Navarre wrote:
> > isabeau: ~ $cat gs-print
> > #!/bin/bash
> > /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dBATCH -sDEVICE=laserjet -r300x300 -dNOPAUSE
> > -sOutpuFile=\|lpr /home/navarre/print.ps
> I guess you are aware of the typo in the -sOuputFile parameter.
> Colin Rothnie
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