[plug] ppp + authentication

Earnshaw, Mike earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Thu Sep 14 10:15:31 WST 2000


Not sure where I am going now with this problem. So far I have managed
to use pam_smb with console logins but with ppp I it appears to be still
using /etc/passwd.

In both of ppp and login in /etc/pam.d I have the entry:

auth	required	/lib/security/pam_smb_auth.so

I have the pam_smb.conf in /etc so:

<domain name>
<pdc name>

The <pdc name> is recorded in /etc/hosts.

I have tried using the 'show-password' option for pppd in
/etc/mgetty../login.conf but the password does not appear to be recorded
in /var/log/mgetty.ttyS4 even though I have the debug level set to 8.

With ppp connections if the /etc/passwd file has an associated passwd
for the user it connects, but when I replace the ':x:' with ':*:' {go
get the info from the PDC} it gives a PAP auth failure. Yet with a
console login it works OK. This is verified by changing the password at
the PDC and then trying to console login with the old password {fails}
then the new password {accepted}

I am really not sure where to look now. Any pointers please? 


Mike Earnshaw      | "Nothing is foolproof to a      | e-mail in header
 Computer Systems  |  sufficiently talented fool"    | Tel : +61 8 9256
  Support          |                     Anon.       | Fax : +61 8 9256
   ,-._|\    Union Switch & signal
  /      \   24 Bannick Court
  *_.--._/   Canning Vale, WA 6155, Western Australia

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