[plug] Red Hat 7

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Tue Sep 26 12:30:59 WST 2000

Garry wrote:
> For those interested, Red Hat 7 is now avalable.
> details at: www.redhat.com/products/software
> Garry

Any idea what kernel it uses? The web pages say that it is "2.4 ready";
indicating that whatever kernel it uses, can be replaced with the 2.4
kernel (if I understand that right), but, I could not find what kernel
it uses.

And, of course, this comes, just after we started replacing my RH 5.2
with 6.2...

Has anyone installed it yet? Noticed any significant differences in 7.0
over 6.2?

Any disks been cut locally?


Bret Busby

"So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the
answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 - Douglas Adams, 1988 

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