netscape - was Re: [plug] wine, netscape

Kai vk6ksj at
Fri Sep 29 12:59:34 WST 2000

4.72 and 4.73 have probs with the address book in messenger, try to send to
more than one person and it crashes, for me at least..other than that I have
no problems with it.
I'll admit, I am no expert at Linux, I've only been using it for 3 years and
I don't know much, if any programming.

> Hello, Kai.
> The version is 4.75 (the latest on the website), 17MB, 1 1/2 hours,
> download. Maybe, it's just the version. But, when 4.72 (I think it was)
> Messenger didn't access the data to which I pointed it (Inbox, etc), I
> thought that I remembered that someone else on the list had had problems
> with 4.72, so I downloaded 4.75, as I thought that that version may have
> been less problematic (not so, apparently). 4.72 is the version that
> came with RH 6.2, from memory.
> --
> Bret Busby

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