[plug] Kernel Routing Magic

Bill Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Sun Apr 1 18:11:00 WST 2001

I agree - you need something at each end to enable a negotiated QOS
system.  However, a small improvement can be made by using ipchains QOS
bits - which affect outgoing only.  These seem particularly effective
with telnet type connections when ftp uploads are happening.  If there
is a viable solution, I too would like to know about it.  Doesnt IPv6
have some built in QOS magic, but I do not know if it actually works/has
been implemented though, and is probably irrelevant as ppp is based on
simplified IPv4.


> I really hope I'm wrong about this but everything I read when I was
> trying to setup something similiar indicated that to be effective you
> needed to be able to control both ends of the connection.  That makes
> sense to me as I imagine most of your traffic through a dialup
> connection is incoming traffic being blasted at you by your ISP's router
> and by the time it's gotten to your machine it's already been through
> the modem bottleneck.
> But that said, most of my efforts have been with BSD networking, maybe
> there's some advanced voodoo in the 2.4 kernel that'll do the job.  If
> you do find a solution I'd love to hear about it.
> Regards,
> Steve

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