[plug] Kernel Routing Magic

Steve Vertigan vertigan at bigfoot.com
Sun Apr 1 16:06:50 WST 2001

Trevor Phillips wrote:

> The scenario is this: A home modem, with a Linux (Debian) gateway, masquerading
> a small LAN. I wish to give each user a fairer slice of the modem bandwidth.
> For example, Person A may set something huge downloading, while Person B is
> trying to Telnet/Web/Quake/etc... Currently, Person B's stuff is slowed down
> considerably as Person A is soaking up all the bandwidth.
> I considered limiting bandwidth, but after doing some research I think/hope a
> change in Queueing discipline will provide me with a suitable simpler more
> flexible solution.

I really hope I'm wrong about this but everything I read when I was
trying to setup something similiar indicated that to be effective you
needed to be able to control both ends of the connection.  That makes
sense to me as I imagine most of your traffic through a dialup
connection is incoming traffic being blasted at you by your ISP's router
and by the time it's gotten to your machine it's already been through
the modem bottleneck.
But that said, most of my efforts have been with BSD networking, maybe
there's some advanced voodoo in the 2.4 kernel that'll do the job.  If
you do find a solution I'd love to hear about it.


FreeBSD maelstrom.dyn.dhs.org 3.4-STABLE i386
 4:00PM  up 19 days, 23:43, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
The cost of living is going up, and the chance of living is going

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