[plug] e-mail problem
Jon Miller
jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Tue Apr 3 13:03:38 WST 2001
Got a problem using sendmail and OL2K. If a client tries to send an e-mail addressed to same domain, mail sendmail sends it. But if the addresses are to different domains (5 to one domain and 1 to another domain) the mail stays in the Outbox until the 1 different domain is deleted.
I also know if they press the send/receive button on their toolbar they get a TCP/IP message stating the client has lost connection with their mail server, yet they press OK and everything goes through.
Any comments welcomed.
Jon L. Miller, MCNE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
PH: +61 8 9242 8600
FX: +61 8 9242 8611
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