[plug] Free CD linux - any good ?

Simon Scott simon.scott at flexiplan.com
Fri Apr 6 08:46:38 WST 2001

	OK, here are the answers to mine as I remember them :)

	a) 6510A, a derivative of the 6502. 
	b) SID (sound interface device), 6518. Altho I think later c64s had
a different chip number.... it sucked cos on early 64s you could play 4 bit
sampled sound just by jamming the bits thru the 4 bit volume register, due
to a click bug, but this was fixed in the newer c64s.
	c) VIC (video iterface device), cant remember the number
	d) The c64 ran a version of Microsoft BASIC (and yes, it was as
buggy as hell)
	e) Location 0 controlled the memory mapping. Different bits switched
banks from RAM/ROM. This was how you could temporarily switch off ROMS to
access the RAM underneath
	f) $D020 was the sideborder colour. only 4 bits were used, therefore
16 colours 

	Guesses at yours

	a) Dunno, maybe vicwest?
	b) ROM based speech synthesis? The c64 did that in software :) I
know Covox was an early pioneer of speech systems.
	c) From memory I think they were 3".... dunno about the formatted
size. I think in some sad factory in Asia they still make them in limited
quantities. They cost like $15 a pop tho :)
	d) Jet Set Willy ofcourse :) Great game
	e) No idea. Start of BASIC RAM?
	f) again, no idea :)

	> 	a) What is the processor?
	> 	b) What is the sound chip?
	> 	c) What is the graphics chip?
	> 	d) Who wrote the C64s version of BASIC?
	> 	e) <Bonus difficult question> - What did memory location 0
	> 	f) <Bonus easier question> - What did memory location $d020
do? :)
	> 	Ahhh, I could go on for hours.... :)


		OK, dredging up Amstrad CPC464 memories
		a) Which store in Perth imported the first CPC464's?
		b) Which Co. supplied the first ROM based speech synthesis?
		c) How many Kb's was a formatted "floppy" and what size
physically was it?
		d) What game was JSW?
		e) <Bonus difficult question> - What did memory location
&c000 stand for
		f) <Bonus easier question> what version of CP/M was
implemented with AMSDOS?

		Ahhh, I could go on for hours.... ;-)


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