[plug] Useful command - pstree

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Thu Apr 19 16:27:10 WST 2001

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Simon Scott wrote:

> 	Some commands wired into my brain
> 		* ps ax (obvious)
> 		* ls -al (obvious)
> 		* ls -alFR (from my days of grabbing warez from uni :)

Do you have these wired as shell aliases? e.g.

alias ll='ls -la'
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
alias tm='tail -f /var/log/messages'

If you are typing somnething often, there is a shortcut. 

Here are funcs to see today's files, or grep the process list:

lt () { ls -lart $* | grep "`date | cut -c5-10`" }
psg () { nocorrect ps auwx | grep $* | grep -v "grep $1"  }

The list has been quiet, so why not see some favourite one-liners?

[disclaimer: your shell may vary. Use the One True Shell - 'zsh']

Mike Holland  <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>

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