[plug] More newbie questions: the return of boxie

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Mon Apr 23 08:42:54 WST 2001

On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Ari Finander wrote:

> 	What's the difference between the i386, i686, and i586 I sometimes
> see on the upgrade and download lists?  Is the i386 download for any
> intel chip, the i586 for original pentiums, and i686 for celerons and
> pentium II/III/IV?  What do you use if you have an AMD chip such as a
> Duron or Athlon?

Run 'uname -a' on your box .... what ever it says is the directory you need.
Linux thor.cantech.net.au 2.4.3-ac3 #1 Mon Apr 9 14:09:49 WST 2001 i686 unknown

Usually only the kernel and glibc are supplied in formats other than i386
I say this because there are 586 Celerons and 686 Celerons.  You need to pick
the right one.

> 	Finally, although all users can access the windows98se partition on
> my HDD, they cannot save files there or replace files there.  How can
> I make it so that all users have permissions to read/write/execute
> files from there, as I'm making my windows partition my doanload area
> as I download for both OSes from both OSes?

read the mount man page I think the options you're looking for is umask.
Just add the appropriate value to /etc/fstab.

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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