[plug] Redhat/RPM dependency question

Paul Dean paul at canningcollege.wa.edu.au
Mon Aug 20 11:05:11 WST 2001


At 10:51 AM 20/08/2001 +0800, you wrote:

>Hi all,
>Possibly a stupid or you-should-have-read-the-FM question, so I'll keep it
>(reasonably) short.
>Please note, nothing up my sleeve:
>[root at Linux_AU ~/rpms/kde]# rpm -Uhv kdevelop-2.0-1.i386.rpm
>error: failed dependencies:
>         libfam.so.0   is needed by kdevelop-2.0-1
>[root at Linux_AU ~/rpms/kde]#


>This is a Redhat 7.1/i386 system at work (I am used to Debian[0]). This 
>sort of
>a dependency error message confuses me. Why doesn't it specify the RPM
>package it depends on instead of the specific shared library? How on earth
>am I supposed to find out what RPM provides this file?
>While I'd appreciate if someone can just off the top of their head tell me
>which package provides the libfam.so.0 file, I'd appreciate it even more if
>you could tell me (or drop a subtle hint to me :) what the general
>technique is for working out these sort of dependency issues.

try # rpm -q --whatprovides libfam.so.0
this only returns the info if libfam.so.0 is installed,
or try less *rpm |grep -i libfam.so.0 in your RPMS dir on your cdrom/hdd.

>Thanks for any help,
>[0] ...and I think it's spoiled me. :)
>I am professionally trained in computer science, which is to say
>(in all seriousness) that I am extremely poorly educated.
>                 -- Joseph Weizenbaum, "Computer Power and Human Reason"


Paul Dean
IT Support Officer
Canning College
Computing Centre
Ph: 9350 5430
Mob: 0408 902 206
paul at canningcollege.wa.edu.au

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