[plug] Debian upgrade

Anthony Jones ajones at clear.net.nz
Fri Dec 7 00:44:07 WST 2001

Hash: SHA1


Oh.  This makes it clear what the problem is.  I thought something sinister 
must be happening.  I just thought it was price fixing.

In Wellington where I'm from there are two phone companies Telecom NZ and 
Telstra/Saturn.  They actually compete against eachother and you can get a 
cable modem for NZ$67 (AU$53) per month with a 10GB traffic limit.  National 
traffic counts as 1/10th and Wellington (WIX) traffic is free.  Hopefully the 
monopoly in Perth will get broken and we can all enjoy access to world-class 
broadband service.

Perhaps we should lobby the government to break the monopoly by demonstrating 
how it is stifling business growth in the IT sector in Perth.


> I saw an article referring to this in the west and it explicitly said $399
> a month and was thus oriented at business users so I suggest their page is
> correct.  To the previous poster even if it was a quarter you would divide
> by 3 not 4.  In the article it also said the reason adsl is so high is that
> Telstra is wholesaling asdl to iinet at the same price that they're
> retailing to their own customers and there's currently a lawsuit against
> Telstra that looks likely to force them to either drop their wholesale
> prices to ISPs or raise their retail price.  Michael Malone was optimistic
> about this eventually making it feasible for iiNet to offer unlimited
> access to home users and from memory said 2003/2004 might be when it
> becomes available.
> Regards,
> Steve
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