[plug] Manipulating a text file

Earnshaw, Mike earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Wed Feb 7 13:06:24 WST 2001

many thanks!

#-----Original Message-----
#From: The Thought Assassin [mailto:assassin at live.wasp.net.au]
#Sent: Monday, 5 February 2001 5:21 PM
#To: PLUG (E-mail)
#Subject: Re: [plug] Manipulating a text file
#On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Earnshaw, Mike wrote:
#> I am having trouble extracting the first columns of our 
#passwd file into
#> another file ...
#> mike:x:500:500 ....
#cut -d: -f1
#cuts the first field with ":" as the field delimiter.
#Is that what you want?

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