[plug] Win 2000 and samba

Paul Day bonfire at bur.st
Fri Feb 23 13:11:04 WST 2001


I've had Windows 2000 Pro hosts talking to Samba server's fine. However, I
haven't tested it with the 2k boxes as part of an active directory network
- but would've thought this'd make little difference.

I assume the Active Directoy stuff is what M$ are talking about when they
talk about the extra features they've added on top of SMB, but obviously
it's all backwards comaptible.

Hope that's some help. :)


On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, David Griffiths wrote:

> G'day pluggers,
> I'm wondering if a win 2000 host (and citrix client) that is part of an
> active directory network will still talk to stand-alone samba servers
> happily?
> My guess is that it would but I haven't had enough experience with Win 2000
> (none to be exact!) to say for sure at this point.
> cheers,
> Dave.
>  ========================================================================
>   David Griffiths                             griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
>   Air Quality Management Branch
>   Department of Environmental Protection          Phone:   61 8 9222 7151
>   Westralia Square                                Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
>   141 St Georges Tce
>   Perth 6000
>   Western Australia
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Paul Day
Email: bonfire at bur.st    Web: www.bur.st/~bonfire    SMS: mobile at bur.st

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