[plug] pleas help a beginer rescue his system
Leon Brooks
leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Feb 25 00:29:18 WST 2001
shevedd at q-net.net.au wrote:
> Then I added a network card and the system made horrible noises on a
> hardware level so I striped the system rebuilt it and now the hardware
> works but the HD withe linux on it is IDE1 master where it was IDE1
> slave so the boot disk doesn’t work.
Try putting it back as primary slave, and use something like a CD-ROM as
the master (some IDEs get sad if there is no master).
> How can I go about getting the system running again with lilo installed
> and booting nicely without loosing all the data on the linux partition.
When it boots as slave, edit /etc/fstab and change all references from
/dev/hdbX to /dev/hdaX, then you have to edit /etc/lilo.conf to change
the references in there from hdbX to hdaX, except tell LILO to
read/write the boot block from /dev/hdb instead of /dev/hda (because
there's no disk there at the moment, and you wouldn't want to stop it
booting if there was). Run lilo and see what it says. When LILO is
happy, shut down, swap the disk back to primary, and reboot.
This is all very risky, and a better idea is to bring it along to
Monday's PLUG meeting at the UCC.
"Source code gets compiled and libraries get loaded (insert silly
drinking reference here)." -- Dave Mark "Learn C on the Macintosh"
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