[plug] meeting?

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Tue Jan 9 07:15:30 WST 2001

Joshua Pierre wrote:
> Brett,
> Why can you just ask your postfix questions on the list, rather than taking your box to a meeting? Or you could look on google/irc. These are all good sources of help imho.
> - Josh

Okay, then. Why don't the settings in postfix, configured to deliver
email that is downloaded, using fetchmail, to different mailboxes, work,
and, why do all the supposed mailbox-directed messages, go into the same


Bret Busby

"So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the
answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 - Douglas Adams, 1988 

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