[plug] perl script

Kevin Shackleton kevins at wn.com.au
Thu Jan 25 16:31:47 WST 2001

We have a perl script that's supposed to run an auction and send an email, but
apparently it doesn't send the email.  Anyone want to have a stab at it (for
brownie points)?  I'll post them a copy of the script.  Here's a segment:

# SUB: Send E-mail
# Takes:
# (To, Subject, From, Message)

sub sendemail {
my ($to,$from,$subject,$message) = @_;
my $trash;
if ($config{'mailhost'}) {
eval('use IO::Socket; 1;')  or &oops("IO::Socket could not be loaded by the
script.  Please see the script documentation for details.  It looks like this
server is using perl version $].  IO::Socket may not be included with versions
of perl prior to 5.00404."); # don't cause errors on machines where IO::Socket
is not available
my $remote;
$remote = IO::Socket::INET-> new("$config{'mailhost'}:smtp(25)");
$remote-> autoflush();
print $remote "HELO\r\n";
$trash = <$remote> ;
print $remote "MAIL From: <$config{'admin_address'}> \r\n";
$trash = <$remote> ;
print $remote "RCPT To: <$to> \r\n";
$trash = <$remote> ;
print $remote "DATA\r\n";
$trash = <$remote> ;


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