[plug] perl script

Steve Vertigan vertigan at bigfoot.com
Thu Jan 25 17:39:40 WST 2001

Kevin Shackleton wrote:
> We have a perl script that's supposed to run an auction and send an email, but
> apparently it doesn't send the email.  Anyone want to have a stab at it (for
> brownie points)?  I'll post them a copy of the script.  Here's a segment:

Is $config{'mailhost'} set?  You didn't post the rest of the routine but
the line

> if ($config{'mailhost'}) {

suggests that if it isn't set then it's not going to to attempt to send
the message or report an error.  I gather you didn't write this code
yourself so it's more likely to be a configuration or environment
problem than a problem with the code that one could pick up be reading a
snippet of it in a list.  That said you can post me a copy too if you
like or try re-writing it to use the much more sensible method of
invoking the sendmail program directly rather than setting up a socket
connection as someone has already mentioned.


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