[plug] ADSL and modem / fax

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Fri Jun 1 16:59:40 WST 2001

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 04:34:45PM +0800, Mark Nold wrote:
> My understanding is that ADSL somehow piggy backs on a existing line. Is it 
> still possible to use a modem on this line? Or even send / recieve fax's?

Yup, it uses the spectrum around 125khz and higher. If fact it's out of
the ISDN range too.


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
Proprietor                        mobile: 0417 410 811
Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/

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