[plug] very ot: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

madco madco at iinet.net.au
Wed Jun 6 17:54:01 WST 2001

hi all

I found a webpage that might interest some of you,it contains the mp3s.


At 16:30 6/06/01 +0800, you wrote:
>I have a 45rpm of Reg Nulty singing "You are everything to me ..." still
>brings a cringe when I play it, Disaster Area not too bad and of course
>the theme is great, bit scratchy but not bad for a 20+ (25+?) yr old
>vinyl. Maybe I should try and get it to MP3 for the HGTTG diehards? Now
>anyone got a phono hitched upto a PC? ...
>#-----Original Message-----
>#From: Michael Hunt [mailto:michael.j.hunt at usa.net]
>#Sent: Friday, 1 June 2001 9:04 PM
>#To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
>#Subject: RE: [plug] very ot: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
>#Probably from the abc shop. I'm going to try and get some copies of the
>#videos, books and tapes that were spawned from the original
>#"BBC" play while
>#I am in the UK.
>#If you have any trouble then drop me a line and we will try to
>#come to some
>#Michael Hunt
>#An Aussie in Africa.
>#Departing soon to the UK
>#(Delay as I read other mails)
>#Looks as if the abc shop is going to be your best bet.
>#> -----Original Message-----
>#> From: alan howard [mailto:alanh at wn.com.au]
>#> Sent: Thursday, 31 May 2001 2:24 PM
>#> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
>#> Subject: [plug] very ot: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
>#> as this seems to be quoted a bit. does any one know where i can
>#> get a copy of
>#> the radio play from the eighties. i remember listning to it
>#on 96fm (when
>#> kerry stokes owned it). at the time i thought it was great.
>#> rgds
>#> alan howard

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