[plug] very ot: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Wed Jun 6 17:00:34 WST 2001

"Earnshaw, Mike" wrote:
> I have a 45rpm of Reg Nulty singing "You are everything to me ..." still
> brings a cringe when I play it, Disaster Area not too bad and of course
> the theme is great, bit scratchy but not bad for a 20+ (25+?) yr old
> vinyl. Maybe I should try and get it to MP3 for the HGTTG diehards? Now
> anyone got a phono hitched upto a PC? ...

In the process of setting myself up for that.
Have an fantastic quality soundcard, a really good turntable with an outstanding
fully adjustable tonearm and brand new cartridge and stylus, just building a high 
quality phono pre-amp and were done.

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