[plug] Is this for real ?

Alex Polglaze apolglaze at book-keepingnetwork.com.au
Wed Jun 13 10:17:34 WST 2001

> > Un fortunately, what he says is true.
> Its true that Linux is far better on a server than the desktop for most
> users. Is that really unfortunate?
What is unfortunate is the fact that Linux is just too complex to take
out of the box and install it and get it running. Whilst we all think
that any Linux is better than any windows, the proliferation of flavours
will ultimately hinder acceptance rather than help it. It is the old
divide and conquer scenario.

>   I would argue his claim that "Linux is too complex". Is he seriously
> saying that Linux is more complex that Win9x ???? (Let alone Xp, NT)

Most people can muck around and get windows working, sort of. Maybe not
optimally, but certainly working. By the same token, most people
couldn't get Linux working at all. Therein lies the problem.

A concerted effort needs to be made by the linux community to develop a
very easy user installation interface along the lines of yes and no
responses. Do you want to install "?" Y/N, and an explanation of what it
is does so you can decide. If a "Y" response then needs further info, so
be it.

This may not get an optimum system installed, but it will get a system

>   And of course, he totally misses the point about "free" software. 

Free software is no good if you can't do anything with it. "Free" is no
great selling point in the mind of the public. If you give something
away for nothing, then that is exactly what it is worth in the
recipients eye. Whilst we may not agree with this sentiment, the vast
majority of the human race do and that is where the real world is.

As I have said before, if we want Linux to be more widespread then these
are the things that must be done.

Alex Polglaze

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