[plug] bind

Kai vk6ksj at siwa.com.au
Fri Mar 9 23:44:21 WST 2001

Orright, I did:
fuser -vn tcp 133
and got
113/tcp		root	409	f....	identd
		root	413	f....	identd
		root	414	f....	identd
		root	415	f....	identd
		root	416	f....	identd

fuser -vn udp 133 shows nothing...

If I already have the services running then why is it trying to
reactivate those services?

"Blev min egen tillbaka"

Bernard Blackham wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima wrote:
> > This means that auth can not bind to its port.  It means that you already have
> > that service running.
> Oops, oh yeah. *thwacks own head*. Calling bind bind just makes it all the
> more confuzzling. "auth/tcp" -> authorisation service (113 - see
> /etc/services) over tcp. Apologies for misleading you Kai.
> Bernard.
> --
>  Bernard Blackham
>  bernard at blackham.com.au

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