[plug] ADSL in Perth-unknown, but driver modem news

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Tue Mar 13 16:45:10 WST 2001

G'day People,

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 09:22:10AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
> daniel at iinet.net.au wrote:
> >> Has anyone had any experience with ADSL connections in Perth?
> >> Specifically, iinet, bigpond and iprimus are all offering static IP 
> >> ADSL connections. However, from what I have heard, there have been 
> >> some problems with reliability and continuity of service over in Sydney.
>  > Hi Anthony, I don't know anyone connecting to ADSL with Linux
> I do, two through iiNet and one through Telstra. They all use the little 
> dark-grey box (which iiNet refers to as a `home modem') with a UTP 
> socket on the side. What drivers?

Hehe, this has sparked my interest because ADSL is finally in my area!

OK, so I plug my PC into the little grey box (using ethernet), how do I
determine my IP address etc? Bigpond are doing dynamic IP assignment aren't

iiNet isn't a consideration for me because of the amount of volume I use ;)


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
Proprietor                        mobile: 0417 410 811
Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/

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