[plug] Testing RAM

navarre at plug.linux.org.au navarre at plug.linux.org.au
Wed Mar 14 15:54:03 WST 2001

Hello Mike

Just to confirm Dennis's reply, look at 


Regards Navarre 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 3/14/01, 8:14:48 AM, Dennis Plester <dennisp at tiwest.com.au> wrote 
regarding RE: [plug] Testing RAM:

> Mike wrote:

> "Just wondering if anyone could point me to any tools that I can use 
> Linux of course) for testing system RAM. I seem to have a dodgy 64M PC100
> SDRAM chip and I just want to conclusively say it is a RAM problem."

> While it isn't strictly "under Linux", there is a very good free program
> called DocMem, which if I recall correctly was available at
> www.simmtester.com <http://www.simmtester.com> .
> Hope this helps.

> Dennis.

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