[plug] 'Linux' with Windows (a little OT)
Mark Nold
markn at enspace.com
Fri May 4 21:29:08 WST 2001
I cant help but ask why?
Anyway IE will send out request with some details about the browser
Using IE5.5 on win98 will send something like
HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
Now how you change that on your Windows box, i doubt you can.
If you are using a proxy, that could more than likely be configured to send
whatever you want.
Hacking up something in Perl (to run on your Windows box) is pretty easy .. i
remember doing something similiar to log exactly what Acrobat did when it was
opening files.
Or you could get Mozilla (or whatever its called) modify the source and compile
it under Windows and it can say whatever you want.
But at the end of the day using Linux would probably be easier and a saner
Mark Nold
markn at enspace.com
Senior Consultant
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
On Friday, 4 May 2001 7:58, Flipper [SMTP:twoflippers at icqmail.com] wrote:
> G'day all
> I was wondering, I have a linux box and also a Windows comp both of which I
> can access the internet through the Windows machine (logic lacking I know,
> experimental phase) I would like to give the impression that I am using the
> linux machine when i am on the internet...
> Presumably I do this with headers in IE 5.5 but how exactly??
> I'm sort of adrift
> Is this even possible?
> and how easy \ difficlut is it to do?
> if possible how?
> Cheers!
> David
> ICQ# 44087795
> Perth, Australia
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