[plug] RPM's.... finding files in them...

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Sat May 12 09:14:49 WST 2001

On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 08:50:04AM +0800, Ambrose Scafidi wrote:
> 	How does one go about finding out what files are in an RPM, before 
> installing it? I recently installed RH7.0 , a daring move, I did a 
> customised install and not knowing what 99% of the packages were for things 
> seemed to turn out fairly well. Except for one small niggly little problem. 
> Somewhere in my quest for space saving I managed to not install certain 
> elements of the "info" system. In particular the "makeinfo" command.
> Where is this file? and how do I go about locating such things given a 
> whack of RPM's ?

You can use:

	rpm -qlp <full_pacakge_file_name>

	OR for already installed packages

	rpm -ql <package_name>

Actually most of the query options can be used in conjuction with the "-p"
argument to take the name of a package _file_. I'm guessing you couldn't find
this info easily in the man pages but it's there.

Unfortunately it's a little difficult to know what package to install given
only a file within the package (unless it's obvious by the filename). Hope
this bit of info helps in that case:

	[jason at nikita micq.log] which makeinfo
	[jason at nikita micq.log] rpm -qf /usr/bin/makeinfo


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
Proprietor                        mobile: 0417 410 811
Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/

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