[plug] Debian CD's covers and Computer Science courses

Simon Scott simon.scott at flexiplan.com
Wed May 30 09:29:12 WST 2001

	Dont go to ECU

	10 years ago I woulda recommended them above all others. Today it is
nothing more than a degree factory.

	I was at Curtin for a while too, 10 years ago, and thought it

	Today, it is prolly worth going to UWA. Esp since the computer club
etc is active, and we all know that there should be more to a uni than

	From:	Fabrício dos Anjos Silva <fasilva at dpi.ufv.br> on 29-05-2001
11:39 PM
	Please respond to plug at plug.linux.org.au@SMTP at Exchange
	To:	Perth Linux Users Group
<plug at plug.linux.org.au>@SMTP at Exchange

	Subject:	[plug] Debian CD's covers and Computer Science

	    Hi all,

	    I have two messages: one about Debian CD's covers and one about
	Computer Science courses.

	Message 1

	    I have made some very nice Debian 2.2r3 binary CD's covers. For
	those interested, you can go to the following URL:


	    There is a PSD(Photoshop) file with all the logos and titles as
	layers, which is good for those who want to modify it. To make life
	easier, I have already created PNG files for all the four binary
	(1,2,3 and Non-US). The covers are simple, but they have a very nice
	look and feel.

	Message 2

	    I have already studied 2 years and a half of Computer Science
	in Australia) and I intend to continue my studies for one more
	here in Perth. My doubt is about which university to choose. It
	that the two best ones are UWA and Curtin. Since there are some
	from these universities on the PLUG list, I would appreciate if you
	could send me your opinions about the university in which you study.
	want to know how theory and pratical issues are balanced, if you
	the course is well organized, what do you think about the professors
	how informal and funny is the studying environment. Your opinion
	help me a lot.



	Fabrício dos Anjos Silva <fasilva at dpi.ufv.br>

	Computer Science Undergraduate
	Graduando em Ciência da Computação

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