[plug] Let the flamewar begin

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Fri Nov 2 13:09:24 WST 2001

We have a new poll on the web site:

What is your favourite web browser?

Remember to add a comment telling us why your preferred browser runs rings 
around all the others, preferably by pointing out all their flaws and 
inconsistencies. =)

Public key information available at:
Key fingerprint = A855 9CA3 953B 5195 C518  12F2 0E05 DCCD 5A88 E8A4 

The big question is why in the course of evolution the males permitted
themselves to be so totally eclipsed by the females.  Why do they tolerate
this total subservience, this wretched existence as outcasts who are
hungry all the time?

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