[plug] Multiple X Servers - another issue

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Nov 13 10:20:59 WST 2001

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 10:01, Mike Hasleby wrote:
> The shell script I'm using to start the servers and run programs (just
> to test that everything's going) is as follows:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86-1 :0 -layout Layout1 &
> sleep 2
> export DISPLAY=:0
> kwrite &
> sleep 10
> /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86-2 :1 -delay -layout Layout2 &
> sleep 10
> export DISPLAY=:1
> gedit &

Look for shared authentication and temp files (lsof and lslk are your 
friends), xfs not configured for more than one connection, try running each 
server as a different user, or at least from a different login session.

There are more things to try, keep pushing the boundaries. (-:

Cheers; Leon

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