[plug] Differences between xfree and windows

R.Barnes wpickett at iprimus.com.au
Mon Nov 26 20:45:31 WST 2001

I find there is a definite difference in the sharpness and
responsiveness between the xfree GUI and that of the windows GUI on my
systems, and I have always been interested to discover why. I have
looked on the net for some kind of comparison or overview of the two
systems, but haven't found much so far but specifics about each. I hope
this is not too trivial a question, but any pointers as to where I
should be looking for the answer to so general a question would be much
appreciated. I was wondering whether it was just the maturity of the
libraries used by xfree or an architectural question or some combination
of the above. I hope no one is offended by my opening statement, it's is
just a personal observation, and I would like to hear what others on the
list feel about this point. 

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