[plug] Mandrake-8 ("M" ??) install
Bill Kenworthy
billk at iinet.net.au
Wed Oct 10 20:17:18 WST 2001
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I second Leon's hints, do a clean install (dont try an upgrade - toooo
much has changed and you'll regret it, even if it works at first!), use
reiserfs and 8.1 - better than 8.0!
On Wed, 2001-10-10 at 20:02, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 October 2001 09:00, wayne wrote:
> > After easily loading Mandrake 7.0 and using it for some time I was eager to
> > work with Mandrake 8.0.
> Post-7.2, Mandrake made giant strides towards the LSB. This upset a lot of
> things, and consequently upgrading across this boundary is difficult and I
> recommend a reinstall. Back up all of your user data (docs and settings)
> first.
> Actually, I recommend that you install Mandrake 8.1, not just because it has
> the latest and greatest fixes (e.g. noticeably better Mozilla and Konqueror),
> but because I've lost count of the number of games in it. (-:
> Also, install KDE even if you never use it directly, because you can use the
> KDE games (kjezzball etc) in Gnome if you have the KDE libraries installed.
> Cheers; Leon
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