[plug] PLUG founders

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Thu Oct 25 12:53:33 WST 2001

Can anyone remember the names of the original founders of PLUG?  I'm talking 
about the one that was established around 94-95.  I remember that Patrick 
D'Cruze was involved but does anybody know who else was?

Public key information available at:
Key fingerprint = A855 9CA3 953B 5195 C518  12F2 0E05 DCCD 5A88 E8A4 

(6)	Men employees will be given time off each week for courting
	purposes, or two evenings a week if they go regularly to church.
(7)	After an employee has spent his thirteen hours of labor in the
	office, he should spend the remaining time reading the Bible
	and other good books.
(8)	Every employee should lay aside from each pay packet a goodly
	sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years,
	so that he will not become a burden on society or his betters.
(9)	Any employee who smokes Spanish cigars, uses alcoholic drink
	in any form, frequents pool tables and public halls, or gets
	shaved in a barber's shop, will give me good reason to suspect
	his worth, intentions, integrity and honesty.
(10)	The employee who has performed his labours faithfully and
	without a fault for five years, will be given an increase of
	five cents per day in his pay, providing profits from the
	business permit it.
		-- "Office Worker's Guide", New England Carriage Works, 1872

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