[plug] setting up Linux to boot

wayne hatari at iinet.net.au
Thu Oct 25 16:00:07 WST 2001

Hello, All!

2 Questions....

1.  Any reasons why it would take 7 hours to format a Windows 300 MB partition
        and then re-partitioning and formating of Linux "/" and "Swap"  ~ 800 MB   took 15 hours??
        This HD works but very slowly.
        It kept crashing on install of Linux 5.2 during the part/format process.
        Sometimes this took so long (with no discernable feedback) that I had to stop it.

2.  Same HD now with several partitions:   
DOS                           primary
Linux /Boot                  primary
EXTENDED                 primary
    Win95                     logical
    Linux     Swap         logical
    Linux     /                logical

DID NOT BOOT to Linux 6.2 after install.  How do I get now get Linux to boot?  In fact I am trying to acheive a mult-boot choice Win or Linux 6.2.  (During installation I did ask for Linux to set up the master boot record for booting Linux.)

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