[plug] DoV and ISDN lines (was: school web page)

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Wed Aug 7 21:44:43 WST 2002

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002 17:17, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Well it sounds like its worth a look at least, though it seems we'd
> probably need a 2nd phone line for normal phone if we got dual ISDN and
> to allow ADSL later.

Agree. I have one digital ISDN, one digital data/fax, one analog voice.

> Any reccomendations w.r.t ISDN hardware for linux?

NetJet. I have one spare, which (if it works) you are welcome to for $200. New 
cost $260. http://www.traverse.com.au/support/ for details.

I also have a Cisco 760 kicking around somewhere which is theoretically 

Cheers; Leon

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